Our Services

  • Annual Tax Prep

    Tax preparation and filing for individuals, small businesses, and community organizations. This covers annual Federal, state, and local income tax filing. // Books closed for new clients. Join the wait list here.

  • Year-Round Tax Support

    Packages that include quarterly estimated taxes, issue-specific tax troubleshooting, and tax planning around the calendar year.

  • Consultations

    Single-session or fixed program tax advising for help addressing a specific situation, laying solid foundations for your business, understanding tax notices, and more.


Individuals - starting at $375

For individuals without self-employment income.

Non-Profits - Custom

Exception for small non-profits with under $50,000 in gross receipts for the year, who generally have a filing fee of $165. Otherwise, organizations with gross receipts exceeding this amount should schedule a call for a custom quote.

Self Employed - starting at $550

For individuals with self-employment income. Includes most single-owner LLCs, freelancers, contractors.

For help with quarterly taxes, please refer to our year-round support packages below.

Year-Round Support - $425+

Annual tax preparation clients have the option to add on year-round support, so their tax needs are handled throughout the year. This includes quarterly estimated taxes, consults, and more. Custom quotes based on complexity. Best for new or growing businesses.

S-Corps and Partnerships - $1200+

Custom quotes provided after detail evaluation in free initial discovery call.

Community Orgs - Custom

For individuals responsible for transferring money from crowdfunding campaigns, grants, or other funding sources on behalf of a community organization, as well as unincorporated charitable organizations that require tax support. Feel free to book a no-cost initial call to discuss your question or concern.

Year-Round Tax Support

Tax planning and support for new or growing businesses.  Includes the following:

  • Quarterly estimated taxes for federal, state, and local.

  • Two 45-min consults during the year for any tax needs throughout the year

  • Notarized financial statements to verify self-employment income with landlords/private lenders.

  • Year-end tax strategizing call in Nov-Dec to review the year and any retirement account allocations, major asset purchases, and additional tax strategies to implement.

  • All-year email support

Our services cover federal, state, and local income tax filings in one flat fee. Custom quotes may be required for returns that include more complex compliance and reporting obligations such as rentals, multiple streams of self-employment income, property sales, unreported cryptocurrency transactions, or foreign reporting based on complexity. This can be assessed in the initial call. Sign up here.